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Buy Or Die! (also known as the Ralph Records Catalogue or Ralph Records Catalog) was Ralph Records' official mail order catalog, with twenty-five issues being distributed, usually annually but sometimes twice in a year, beginning in February 1977 and ending in summer 1996.

Between 1980 and 1989, issues of the catalog were accompanied by optional 7" sampler EPs, which could be ordered from Ralph for an additional $1.00 including postage.

The phrase "Buy Or Die!" has recurred throughout The Residents' iconography since, and has most recently appeared as the name of the online store on the group's official website, and the title of a 2024 Ralph retrospective box set.



Cover art of the fourth issue dated February 1979, featuring a promotional photo from the unreleased film Vileness Fats

The Buy Or Die! catalog was one of the primary methods devised by Ralph Records to sell and promote their products during the growing success of their flagship act, The Residents, in the mid-to-late 1970s.

Largely designed by Homer Flynn and his Pore Know Graphics graphic design company, the catalogs boasted eye-catching imagery, which notably included contributions from artists such as Savage Pencil and Gary Panter, the latter of whom also designed the album cover for the Ralph compilation Subterranean Modern in 1979.

The first issue of the catalog, released in February 1977, was such a success that Ralph had to have it reprinted in April to keep up with the demand. By the time the second issue was released the following August, the label had run out of copies of Santa Dog, "Satisfaction" and Schwump's "Aphids In The Hall". The second issue introduced The Residents' new single, The Beatles Play The Residents and The Residents Play The Beatles.

Sampler EPs[]

Ralph employee Tom Timony came up with the idea of including 7" sampler EPs with the catalogs, including selections from the label's most recent releases. The first EP, Buy Or Die 1980, included tracks from each of the artists on the label's roster at that time: MX-80 Sound, Snakefinger, Tuxedomoon and The Residents.

Around 12,000 to 15,000 copies of each Buy Or Die! sampler EP were pressed, and were sold to customers at a loss for $1.00 including postage. The idea proved a success, and the sales generated by the catalogs and companion EPs were enough to recoup the losses incurred in selling and shipping the EPs at a dollar each.

Ralph America revival[]

The Buy Or Die! mail order catalog was revived Ralph America in the 1990s. The rebooted catalog was now hosted by Eddy, "your Buy Or Die Guy" (or sometimes his mother, Mrs. Hodgekipper).

Writing duties for the revived Buy Or Die! were largely handled by Ralph staff members Sarah McLennan and Molly Harvey, with a regular column by former UWEB fan club president Uncle Willie.

List of catalogs[]

Freak Show interactive edition[]


"Door" to the interactive Buy Or Die! catalog in The Residents' 1994 CD-ROM Freak Show

An interactive digital version of the 1994 Ralph America Buy Or Die! catalog is featured as an "Easter egg" In The Residents' Freak Show CD-ROM, released in that year.

The CD-ROM edition of the catalog allows the user to hear audio samples of the listed releases, and also view t-shirts, posters, postcards and more.

The Easter egg's introductory screen features the following message:

You have just entered an interactive version of THE RESIDENTS "Buy or Die!" mail order catalog.

By clicking on one of the boxes at the bottom of this page, you will see a small sample of the many fine products available from RALPH AMERICA, exclusive merchandising agents for all RESIDENTS products.

For an old-fashioned paper catalog, including prices and ordering information, please call 1-800-795-3933 or write to: RALPH AMERICA 109 Minna Street #391, San Francisco, CA 94105

See also[]

External links and references[]
