Meet The Residents Wiki

The Residents' News Machine is an official news blog dedicated to the activities of The Residents, which has been active at the group's official website since January 13th 2017.

This page collects posts made to this blog in April 2018, as archived on

Blog entries[]

North American Tour is NOW![]


Wednesday, April 4 2018, 5:28pm

Do you hear that? That's the sound of The Residents rolling across the country with their In Between Dreams tour! It all starts tonight in Los Angeles, spends two nights in San Francisco, heads up north... oh I'm not going to bore you with all the details so I'll just skip to finishing up in Dallas in one month's time.

Several shows are already sold out, but maybe one near you still has tickets available. Or failing that, maybe you feel like taking a road trip to fulfill two of your lifelong dreams: seeing The Residents live and of course eating at every Waffle House within a 500 mile radius.

All the information on cities, venues, and ticket sales are scattered, smothered, and covered on this page:

We hope to see you there.

Rob Spector: Merch Guy[]


Saturday, April 7 2018, 2:28pm

Thank you for your interest in the new Rob Spector Merch Guy. With proper care and feeding, your new Merch Guy should provide you with many years of top flight service. Please familiarize yourself with the following information for the best possible experience.

Merch Guy Basics

The Rob Spector Merch Guy (you can call him "Rob") is proudly manufactured in the state of California. Rob received expert training from Emeritus Merch Guy Miles, and later received some conflicting training from Master of Merch Mama Ralph. Goatie has also shared his own ill-informed ideas of how to run a merch table. All of this is to say that Rob is just as confused as any of us would be when thrown into the world of The Residents. Take pity on him.

Frequently Asked Merch Questions

Q: Does Rob accept credit cards?

A: Yes. Rob will happily accept your credit card as well as cash. No Bitcoin, though.

Q: What is Rob's favorite kind of cash to collect?

A: While any negotiable form of physical currency is accepted, you win a special place in Rob's heart when you use five and ten dollar bills. This allows him to more easily make change for anyone who could only get twenties from an ATM.

Q: Do you have [something not visible on the table] for sale?

A: Probably not. Rob likes to keep everything visible as a blatant sales tactic. That said, there is a pre-show merch load and a replenish during the show, so something that sold out (say, a particular size of a t-shirt design) might appear after the performance. Your pre-show interaction in this case would most likely be "do you have that in small?" to which Rob might reply "not at the moment, but I think I can find some for after the show."

Q: Hey, isn't Rob in a band and wouldn't it be totally cheesy to mention that in a list of merch questions?

A: Yes, it would be really cheesy to mention that Rob is in a band called Bronze.

Q: Is there merch etiquette? Should the line form in a particular way?

A: Every venue will have a different layout, so there is no one size fits all solution. As for merch etiquette, it's no different from everyday etiquette. We're all mature human beings and can be orderly and respectful, not only to our Merch Guy, but also to the venue staff and other Residents fans around us who wish to have as pleasant an experience as possible.

Q: You're just kidding with that "Buy or Die" slogan, right? I won't be in danger if I don't buy something... right?

A: Honestly, we haven't personally seen anybody perish from not purchasing, but we've never seen anybody buy AND die either.

In Between Dreams tours North America for the next four weeks. Find a show near you here:

In Between Dreams - a taste of the sights[]


Wednesday, April 11 2018, 11:21am

Have you seen In Between Dreams? Here are some pictures to give you an idea of what it looks like:

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Singer at The Chapel in San Francisco (photo by Elizabeth Gohr)

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Guitar at the Gundlach Bundschu Winery in Sonoma (photo by Mike Anderson)

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Curtain call at the Regent Theatre in Los Angeles (photo by Jonathan Velazquez)

But what does it sound like? How does it smell, taste, and feel? If you want to know, get yourself to an upcoming performance. See a list of upcoming shows here.

Homer Flynn Radio Interview[]

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Monday, April 16 2018, 6:34pm

Tomorrow at noon eastern (so that's 9am California time and 4pm UTC so you can do the math yourself) WMBR's Lost & Found hosted by Bob Dubrow will feature an interview with Cryptic Corporation spokesperson Homer Flynn. Click here for more information and block off your work calendar so you can listen in. Or catch in in the archives for the two weeks or so it will be available.

See all upcoming tour dates here.

Warner Bros Album for Record Store Day[]

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Friday, April 20 2018, 7:35am

Tomorrow (April 21st) is Record Store Day and here's how the legendary unreleased pre-Residents album looks all dressed up exclusively for the occasion. Originally sent to Warner Brothers Records in the spring of 1971, the rejected tape was returned to the then un-named group's shared home addressed to 'Residents' - and the rest, as they say, is mystery. Seminal, mythical, irreverent and unlike anything heard before, The Warner Bros Album, though not the start of this thing we call The Residents, is certainly a major ingredient in that soup or soup-like substance.

This release has also been highlighted by BBC News as one to look out for. So... look out, it might sneak up behind you.

Don't like recorded material? You want to live it up? There are ten more performances of In Between Dreams, snaking its way down the east coast and across the south. Get more details here:

New York Show Shut Down by Police[]

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Monday, April 23 2018, 3:51pm

On Sunday, April 22nd, The Residents were forced to end their show prematurely after a (lowercase r) resident called in a complaint to the local police department. At 9:32pm, the band stepped away from their instruments and left the stage. The singer returned a few moments later to explain the situation and apologize to the audience, promising that the band will return to New York.

However, many audience members believed this to be part of the show - a staged disruption not unlike when one suddenly awakes from an exciting dream. But this was no dream, as confirmed by a security guard who addressed the audience several minutes later to further apologize and urge everyone not to retaliate against any neighbors or the police. Disappointed but understanding, the crowd left peacefully to go home or pursue other evening activities.

What show could possibly be too much for New York? You have seven more chances to find out. See the remaining In Between Dreams tour dates here.

See also[]

External links and references[]

Newsmachine-rz-sml-transparent The Residents' News Machine