Meet The Residents Wiki

The Residents' News Machine is an official news blog dedicated to the activities of The Residents, which has been active at the group's official website since January 13th 2017.

This page collects posts made to this blog in April 2019, as archived on

Blog entries[]

Bunny Boy's Secret Room Opens Next Week[]


Thursday, April 11 2019, 5:27pm

After TEN YEARS of life in GOD-KNOWS-WHERE, the one and only Bunny Boy is back! Or at least his secret room is back... Along with a retrospective of all-things-Residential, the Bunny room will magically reappear in Bourges, France on April 20, 2019. (And of course, there are rumors that THE MAN HIMSELF may actually come hopping back to his long lost home.) NOT TO BE MISSED!!!!

More info: English | French | Spanish

Bunny Email Box Reopened[]

Newsmachine-bunny email

Friday, April 19 2019, 1:16am

What are you doing this Saturday? Are you attending the opening of The Residents exhibition in Bourges, France? All the coolest people are. You want to be cool, don't you?

Exhibition info:

But what about Bunny himself? Well, I hear they're going to let him use a computer for a few hours so he can check the inbox he hasn't opened in a decade. So if you've had a burning question or comment you've wanted Bunny to read and maybe respond to, send a message to before Saturday evening (France time) for your chance.

Bunny Boy Streaming Event[]

Newsmachine-bunny stream

Friday, April 19 2019, 5:52pm

CORRECTION: It seems the correct address is:

In yesterday's news I implied you wouldn't be the coolest person if you don't attend the special opening event in Bourges, France. While that remains true, you can be somewhat cool by tuning in to a livestream at during the event.

It's scheduled to last from 6pm to 9pm, France time. That means it starts at... uh... gotta math now... 9am in California, 12pm on the US east coast... 5pm in London... and... oh just use Google to sort the rest out for yourself.

Exhibition info:

See also[]

External links and references[]

Newsmachine-rz-sml-transparent The Residents' News Machine