Meet The Residents Wiki
Meet The Residents Wiki

The Residents' News Machine is an official news blog dedicated to the activities of The Residents, which has been active at the group's official website since January 13th 2017.

This page collects posts made to this blog in June 2018, as archived on

Blog entries[]



Thursday, June 14 2018, 1:50am

A novel written by The Residents.

The Brickeaters is an absurdist buddy movie of a story featuring a very tall internet content screener teamed up with an aging career criminal whose primary companions are an oxygen bottle and .44 Magnum. After a short crime spree cementing their unhinged partnership, they work together to prevent a middle-aged lottery winner from polluting the LA water supply with massive amounts of fluoride. Their adventures unfold via a highly unreliable alcoholic narrator desperately avoiding the reality of spousal abandonment.

The Brickeaters will be released on Tuesday, July 10th. Here's an Amazon purchase link.

Brickeaters - Reading and Signing Event[]


Saturday, June 23 2018, 3:28pm

LATE BREAKING NEWS! There will be an in-store reading and signing for the Residents novel, Brickeaters, THIS MONDAY (June 25) at Soap Plant / Wacko in Los Angeles starting at 5pm.

More info at:

Be there or be elsewhere!

See also[]

External links and references[]

Newsmachine-rz-sml-transparent The Residents' News Machine