Meet The Residents Wiki
Meet The Residents Wiki

The Residents' News Machine is an official news blog dedicated to the activities of The Residents, which has been active at the group's official website since January 13th 2017.

This page collects posts made to this blog in June 2021, archived directly to this wiki from the group's official website.

Blog entries[]



Friday, June 4 2021, 5:31pm

THAT'S RIGHT!!! The one and only DUCK STAB! has been re-created as DUCK STAB! ALIVE!, a 33 minute live-in-the-studio EXTRAVAGANZA premiering on Night Flight Plus this Saturday, June 5, at 10:30 Eastern time, 7:30 on the West Coast. Night Flight is celebrating their 40th anniversary and invited The Residents to create this special program for the event and YOU GET TO WATCH IT!!! HEY HIPPIES AND SQUIRRELS!!! Life is too short to miss COOL STUFF LIKE THIS!!!

See also[]

External links and references[]

Newsmachine-rz-sml-transparent The Residents' News Machine