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Notes From Ralph[]
"The idea of even bringing Bridgit in, ultimately that came from a film idea that The Residents were working on... with Graeme at that time, and the project was eventually abandoned. And so ultimately he took some of the footage from that abandoned project and then shot new stuff with Bridgit and made "Hello Skinny" out of it. But I think there are photos of Skinny - Bridgit sitting at... they used to have these TV desks at bus stations, and you could sit down in a chair and it would have a TV in front of you, and you could put change in it, and you could watch TV for fifteen minutes... while you were waiting for the bus. And so there are photos like that in there... And the thing was, Brigit was waiting for the bus to go home to live with his mother. He had been living in San Francisco, I think he ultimately just kind of considered his life was a failure, he couldn't make it, he couldn't fit in, and so he was going home to live with his mother. And so Graeme went to the bus station with him and shot all these pictures before he got on the bus and disappeared."
"I never heard from him again, once again his primary relationship was with Graeme. Graeme may have heard more from him, I really don't know."
"Cryptic Corporation wanted Graeme Whifler to shoot several videos based on Duck Stab! songs. And so he started working on it, and then ultimately Graeme kind of expanded that idea into becoming a feature film. And then ultimately, that wasn't really what Cryptic was interested in. You know, it was going to cost a lot of money, and we really felt like what would work for us in terms of the market at that time was really music video... that was the coming thing. We just felt like we had no way to market a feature length film, it just seemed like a project that wasn't going to work for us. So ultimately, once again, a certain amount of stuff did get shot for it, and then ultimately that became "Hello Skinny"... but there was more stuff shot. And the film, the Theory of Obscurity documentary film, Don Hardy was the filmmaker. I worked very closely with Don. I like Don, he's an interesting guy. And Don gathered up all this film and video material that The Residents had shot, and Don found that. He's the one that went in and edited some of that existing footage into the "Melon Collie Lassie" music video."
- Homer Flynn, Cacophony Podcast - Obscure Music for Obscure People, Episode 1 - "Homer Flynn on The Residents and Duck Stab", January 13th 2022
ImaginaryJacques (Admin) 💀 (talk) 08:05, 18 February 2023 (UTC)