Meet The Residents Wiki

Vol.3 (Jun 21 2024)[]

Introduction By N.Seneda[]

Hello Everybody! How You All Doing Tonight! We Got A Nice Little Newsletter All Set Up For You! We Got The Residents And All The Special Guest Stars How About That. Well Here We Goooooooooo.!!!!

Interview With ImaginaryJacques And Una[]

To Start Off This Interview Extravaganza We Got An Interview With Two Key Figures In The Wiki ImaginaryJacques (or Jay To The Buds) And Comix Artist And All Round Mysterious Spanish Ladie Una.... I Was Lucky To Score This Interview With Them..

Resboy: When Did The Idea Sprout For A "Meetheresidents Wiki", When It Began Was It A One Person Operation Or Where There Already Some "Mysterious Spanish Ladies"?

Jacques: I founded Meet The Residents Wiki in January 2017 - at first I was the only administrator, until Lisa joined some time afterwards, and then our head of graphic design Una came on board shortly after that. Before the wiki, The Mysterious Spanish Ladies were a loose assortment of international Residents fans... which, of course, we still are.

Resboy: How Long Did It Take To Build Up The Following The Wiki Has, Did It Take A While To Get People To Follow And Join or Was It A Long Time?

Jacques: I intentionally did not publicize the existence of the wiki for the first two or three years of its existence - it seemed more appropriate to let people find it by themselves. From there, Google did most of the work by ranking us among the first search results for most Residents-related topics. While our view count is certainly nothing to sneeze at (we usually receive between 600 to 800 page views per day) we have never really had more than five or six active contributors at any one time. There are a few people who have told us that they would like to contribute, but don't feel confident editing a wiki (it's easier than you think!).

Resboy: What Was Your Initial Reaction To The Residents, Was It Fear And Dread or Was It Love And Affection? If So Why Did You Feel Fear Or Dread?

Jacques: I sensed a rabbit hole. Love and affection followed very quickly.

Una: Intrigue...

Resboy:Being The Residents Mini Archivest, What Has Been The Longest Amount Of Time Any Of You Have Spent Trying To Research An Article.

Jacques: At six feet and two inches, I might be the tallest "mini archivist" in the world! After seven years of working on the wiki and building our reference library, I have managed to develop a system which allows me to create a fairly detailed, referenced article in a few hours... but the wiki is a perpetual work in progress, where no article is ever truly "finished".

Resboy: Is There Any Resident Album That You Are Not So Fond Of? I Promise I Wont Relay Any Answers From This Question To "Cryptic Corp"

Jacques: I have been reappraising all of the albums with the release of the pREServed series, and after 20+ years of Residents fandom, I am finding myself much more open to releases I would have turned my nose up at in my teens, when I was first exploring their discography... So, I don't know. Ask me this question again once the pREServed series is complete.

Una: I don't like the 1970 demos very much..

Resboy:Have Any Of You Ever Met Homer Or Even Had The Pleasure Of Meeting Hardy? If So Where And How Was It?

Jacques: Unfortunately I have not met Homer, though we have had a few brief interactions through the internet. And sadly I never had the chance to meet or speak with Hardy, either. It's difficult to meet your heroes when they live on the other side of the equator.

Una: No. :(

Resboy: Warner Bros Album Or B.S? And Why?

Jacques: Warner Bros. has its moments, but B.S. is the first distinct step towards what The Residents would later become.

Resboy: If The Residents Would Realese One Of Their Early Demos That Haven't Been Released Which Would It Be? (The Ballad Of Stuffed Trigger Or Rusty Coat Hangers For The Doctor)

Jacques: From what I have been told, they have already released everything they want to release from that era. There are undoubtedly other early demos in the archives, possibly hundreds of tapes. I still hold out hope that they will surprise us with a collection of 1969 recordings one day.

Resboy: Is There An N.Seneda Like Figure In The History Of The Wiki? If So Who Is It?

Jacques: Probably Una.

Una: Probably Doop!

Resboy: Are "The Mysterious Spanish Ladies" A Two Person Operation To Make People Believe That There Actual Residents Fans Who Are Interested In The Band Enough To Make A Wiki Out Of Them Or Am I Just Going Crazy?

Jacques: The wiki administration is a three person operation currently, though there are a lot more than three Mysterious Spanish Ladies.

Una: Everyone is a Mysterious Spanish Lady. Most people don't know it yet!

Resboy: Can We Get Any Info On What Next Years "April Fools" Joke Could Be? Another Weezer Joke Or Could We Be Possibly Be Getting A "Barenaked Ladies" Joke?

Jacques: The April Fools Day wiki edits are usually derived from inside jokes shared by the members of our Discord server. I don't think we have any inside jokes about the Barenaked Ladies.

Una: We had an idea for an April Fools gag that we did not use this year because it was the 50th Anniversary of Meet The Residents. We might use it next year...

Jacques: We won't spoil the surprise.

Resboy:What Is Your Rarest Res Item In Your Collection?

Jacques: There are at least two items in The Ladies' private archives that we aren't allowed to discuss. Aside from those, I guess O for Obscurity is pretty rare.

Resboy:Do You Guys Think There Will Ever Be A Second Generation Of "The Ladies" If The First Generation Ends? Will They Have Any Rules To Choose The Next Genration?

Jacques: I don't think the current generation is old enough to consider the next generation just yet.

Una: The Mysterious Spanish Ladies will never die!

Jacques: We'll push this boulder up this hill forever, if we have to.

Resboy: Ive Heard A Rumor That You Guys Are Trying To Recreate And Finish "Vileness Fats" If So How Is It Going And If So How Does The Cast Look Like?

Jacques: We have learned that the best way to recreate Vileness Fats is to try, fail, and give up.

And That Was Our First Interview, Next Up We Got Kirby Notorious Comic Artist Known For The Comix "Mole Hill" Which Just Came Out Today So Go Read It Or Die!

Interview With Kirby (The Comic Artist Not The Video Game Charecter)[]

Welcome Back To The Meet The Rest Wik Interview Extravaganza And Now We Are Here With Kirby, Underground Comic Artist Known For Mole Hill And Recently "Berry Bros".

Resboy: When And How Did You Discover The Residents?

Kirby: I Found Them From A YouTube Video by A YouTuber Named "Cactus Malpractice" and his "Worst Album Ever Made" Series, Trying To Find The Worst Album Ever Made, The Album Was Meet The Residents.

Resboy: What Was Your Original Reaction To Them?

Kirby: I Loved Them, They Were As Weird And Wacky As I Am.

Resboy: What Is Your Rarest Res Item?

Kirby: Most Likely My "Mr.Skull Bobble Head" which is limited to 1000, Mine Is Handnumbered And Is Number 786

Resboy: When Did The Idea To Make "Mole Hill" Come From?

Kirby: I Have Had A Mole Server Id Mod And Draw Mole Fanart And Little Comics And That's How I Started.

Resboy: Do You Do Most Of The Work On Your Comics?

Kirby: I Do The Writing And Drawing. And Jay Does The Coloring

Resboy: What Can We Expect From You In The Future?

Kirby: You Can Expect (After The Comix Hiatus) More Mole Hills In The Future.

Resboy: What Are Your Inspirations With Art?

Kirby: My Inspirations Are Comix Of Two Cities, Dog Man, And Captain Underpants.

Resboy: I Heard A Rumor That You Are The Youngest Ladie Is That True?

Kirby: Yes I Am The Youngest, 13 To Be Precise

Resboy: Favorite Album From The Mole Trilogy?

Kirby: My Favorite Album Would Be Tunes Of Two Cities It Has Beautiful Bangers.

Resboy: How Is Your Res Cover Album Going?

Kirby: I Think My Cover Album "Eye Of The Storm" Is Going Great Its Still In The Demos Phase And These Demos Would Be Included As Bonus Tracks.

Resboy: If The Residents Haven't Exsited Which Artist Would You Like

Kirby: If The Residents Wouldn't Have Exsited I Would Be Probably Real Into Frank Zappa.

Resboy: Why Do You Like Dollar General

Kirby: I Love Dollar General Because I Love Any "Contraption" Album, I Just Love Dark Ambient Music.


As A Gift For Reading This, Here's A Demo From The Upcoming Album "Eye Of The Storm"


Thanks To ImaginaryJacques, Una, And Kirby For Contributing To This Issue And The Wiki!

Without Yall This Wiki Wouldn't Be A Thing

*Dedicated To Philip Lithman*